Business Office




Welcome to the Business Department
of the Milford School District!

The Business Department is responsible for the District's finance, Nutrition Services, and Driver's Education.  If you have any questions about the budget, the District's finances, or any other aspect of the operational side of the District, please contact Jenny Graves at (603) 673-2202 x 3408.


Our hours of operation are from 8:00am – 4:00pm.


We are located at:
100 West St.
Milford, NH 03055

Phone:  (603) 673-2202
Fax:  (603) 673-2237



Our Business Office Staff


This department is managed by Jenny Graves, Business Administrator.


The District’s Director of Finance, Jeff Candito, is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of a complete set of financial records for the District including the preparation of general ledger adjustments and reconciliations.  This position is also responsible for accurate and timely financial and statistical reporting.  In addition, this position provides bookkeeping services for all federally funded programs, keeping a true and accurate record of the budget and expenses.


The Payroll Coordinator, Jen Radcliff, is responsible for the preparation, processing and maintenance of the District’s payroll including the preparation of paychecks, direct deposits and payroll liabilities.  This position also includes preparing various reports for federal, state, and insurance agencies.


The Purchasing/Accounts Payable Coordinator is responsible for the day to day processing and verification of invoices and purchase orders, to ensure the district purchasing policy is adhered to.  This position also includes preparing timely check runs/manifests and preparing annual district-wide bid procurement.






Jenny Graves
Business Administrator
Jeff Candito
Director of Finance
Jen Radcliff
Payroll Coordinator
Purchasing/Accounts Payable Coordinator