2024 - June

Jun 18 2024, 2:00 PM 
Dear Students, Families, Faculty and Staff, and Community Partners,
As we conclude the 23-24 school year, I want to take a moment to wish each and every one of you a truly fantastic summer vacation! It has been an incredible year, filled with hard work, dedication, and remarkable achievements. Now, it's time to celebrate your well-deserved break and enjoy the sunshine and relaxation that summer brings.
Summertime is an excellent opportunity for personal growth and exploration. I encourage everyone to engage in activities that expand your horizons, embrace new hobbies, and create lasting memories with family and friends.
Parents, thank you for your trust, collaboration, and invaluable partnership in your child's education. The Milford School District values your support as we strive to be, as our vision statement reads, an inspiring community where deep learning and strong relationships empower ALL students to become the designers of their own story.
Faculty and staff, thank you for your unwavering commitment and tireless efforts throughout the year. Enjoy your well-earned break, and take this time to rest, rejuvenate, and reflect on the positive impact you've made.  
Community partners, we depend so greatly on your partnership and support. Your contributions enrich our programs and provide invaluable resources for our students and families. Thank you for being an essential part of our extended school family.
Let's celebrate the growth and achievements this school year has brought and look ahead to the 24-25 school year as it promises to be filled with new learning and great excitement that we can't wait for you all to be a part of.
Superintendent Michaud