Policies » Section 2300

Section 2300

2300 Business Management 2300
  1. Insurance Program 2305-1
  2. Safety 2305-1
  3. Security 2305-1
  4. Cleaning Programs 2305-1
  5. Repairs 2305-1
  6. Emergency Repairs 2305-2
Adopted 02/2023
  1. Insurance 2310-1
  2. Use of Equipment 2310-1
  3. Inventory, Ordering and Purchasing 2310-1
  4. Equipment Maintenance 2310-1
  1. Contracted Services 2315-1
  2. Scheduling and Routing 2315-1
  3. Safety 2315-1
  4. Transporting Ill Students 2315-1
  5. Emergency Transportation 2315-2
  6. Transportation Reimbursement 2315-2
  7. Bus Video/Audio Camera Monitors 2315-2
  8. School Bus Driver Requirements 2316
Revised 05/2022
Adopted 03/2022
Revised 06/2022
Adopted 05/2012
  1. Authorized Signatures Policy 2324
  2. Budget Implementation 2325-2
  3. Budget Recommendations/Hearings/Adoptions 2325-2
  4. Audits 2325-2
  5. Taxing and Borrowing Authority / Limitations 2325-2
  6. Funding Proposals and Applications 2325-2
  7. Fiscal Year 2325-3
Revised 01/2024
Revised 05/2024
  1. Purchasing Policy 2330-1
  2. Cooperative Purchasing 2330-1
  3. Local Purchasing 2330-1
  4. Bidding Requirements 2330-2
  1. Federal Funds Allowability 2331-1
  2. Federal Funds Cash Management and Fund Control 2331-2
  3. Federal Funds Procurement 2331-3
  4. Federal Funds Procurement - Additional
  1. Federal Funds Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosure 2331-5
  2. Federal Funds Inventory Management Equipment & Supplies Purchased with Federal Funds 2331-6
  3. Federal Funds Travel Reimbursement 2331-7
  4. Federal Funds Accountability and Certifications 2331-8
  5. Federal Funds Time-Effort Reporting/Oversight 2331-9
  6. Federal Funds Grant Budget Reconciliation 2331-10
  7. Federal Funds Sub-Recipient Monitoring and Management 2331-11
Important Notice

These policies are the exclusive property of the Milford School District, and they are intended for the exclusive use of the district. No content is allowed to be reproduced, copied, transmitted, distributed, or sold, in any form, other than for the sole purpose of the official business of the school district.