Educational Resources
All Subjects
- Khan Academy (all grades): Video lessons and practice across a wide variety of topics at all grade levels, from preschool through graduation. Check out the step-by-step videoand quick-start guide for using with remote instruction. High school math lessons, in particular, are a great accompaniment to teaher-created materials
- National Geographic Education Resource Library (K-12+): Browse thousands of content from Geography, Arts and Music, to English Language Arts. You may also register to save resources to your own library.
- Amplify Resources (K-8): Self-guided videos and free literacy reading program for students.
- We Are Teachers (K-5): Find fun websites, games, apps, and hands-on activities to assist and extend the distance learning for students in K-5.
- Library of Congress (all grades): A collection of ready-to-use classroom materials.
- PBS Learning Media (K-12): Direct access to thousands of classroom-ready, curriculum-targeted digital resources. Resources are aligned to Common Core and national standards and include videos and interactives, as well as audio, documents, and in-depth lesson plans.
- Google Lit Trips (K-12): Take advantage of using Google Earth to create immersive 3D literary field trips. You can build virtual visits that will allow your students to become traveling companions with the characters in a book. More information can be found here.
- Teaching Special Education Online (Webinar): In this recorded webinar, veteran online instructors help identify steps to move online and strategies for adapting the lessons already in motion to this new format. They share a distilled set of simple, impactful tips as well as resources and tools available to you during the transition. Presented by Kelly J. Grillo, Ph.D., Cooperative School Services, and Jeremy Glauser, eLuma. Original air date March 19, 2020.
- Reading A to Z (elementary): Encompasses Myon, Starfall, and IXL. Basic reading practice for learning readers; lean on the resources already in use in your school. Also offers authentic Spanish books.
- Barefoot Books on YouTube (elementary): Videos of books and catchy songs that celebrate diversity and capture children's imagination.
- TumbleBooks (elementary): Digital library for elementary students.
- Unite for Literacy (elementary): Digital library for elementary students.
- Time for Kids (elementary): Student articles for grades K-6; good for knowledge-building reading.
- CommonLit (upper elementary/secondary): More than 2,000 high-quality free reading passages for grades 3-12.
- Newsela (upper elementary/secondary): Nonfiction texts at different independent reading levels paired with activities, including news articles, science pieces and social studies pieces.
- Core Knowledge (pre-K-5): Free downloadable core knowledge curriculua in ELA, humanities, and science. Also offers downloadable read-alouds.
- Open Up Resources (K-5): Offers family and student resources for virtual learning aligned to EL Education K-5, Bookworms K-5, and Reading with Relevance
- Expeditionary Learning (K-8): See their collection of free online resources to support distance learning.
- Novel HyperDocs (4-10): 25+ ready to use novel HyperDocs with your class.
- Interact with Famous Authors (all grades): Check out this list of famous authors doing real-time interactive read-alouds!
- Learn Zillion (all grades): Short (3-10 minute) videos intended for teacher and student use focused on targeted concepts.
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (pre-K/K): Toolkit of 20+ resources.
- MageMath on YouTube (K-6): A collection of animated Math and Learning Videos that teach Math and early learning concepts from Kindergarten to 6th Grade.
- Dreambox (K-8): Gamified, adaptive, online K-8 math program designed to develop mental math strategies (paper/pencil should not be used). Currently free.
- Eureka (all grades): Great Minds is sharing free, recorded daily lessons delivered by their own teachers, viewable on any device (including smartphones). If possible, send students home with their Eureka Math student books.
- Desmos (3-12): Interactive graphing activities to help students visualize and represent mathematics across mainly secondary mathematics topics, but some elementary topics are also included in their list of featured collections here.
- Illustrative Mathematics (secondary): Teachers and students can access the materials in English and Spanish with a free Kendall Hunt account; online materials include a course guide for teachers and information for parents.
- GeoGebra (K-12): Hundreds of interactive resources through which Elementary, Middle School, and High School students can learn math in a fun way. Includes practice sheets.
Science & Technology
- Mystery Science (K-5): Free science lessons for remote learning.
- PhD Science (3-5): Great Minds is sharing free, recorded daily lessons delivered by their own teachers, viewable on any device (including smartphones).
- NASA Videos (3-12): Free video segments from NASA to inform and engage students. They also provide easy-to-download educator guides.
- Georgia Aquarium (all grades): Live webcam views from the Georgia Aquarium.
- San Diego Zoo (all grades): Live webcam views from San Diego Zoo.
- Chemicool (6-12): Interactive periodic table.
- Coding Activities (K-12): Free high-level K-12 Computer Science curriculum.
- Girls Who Code (3-12): Computer Science educational activities available for download free of charge.
Arts, History & Social Studies
Google Arts and Culture (all grades): Curated collections from hundreds of museums and virtual tours of some museums, educational sites, and historical sites.
- Teaching History (all grades): Materials, content, and best practices in teaching history.
- Engaging Congress (high school): Engaging Congress uses primary sources to build content knowledge and critical thinking skills. Subjects include Civics, Government and US History. The videos, primary sources and mini-games can be used separately or as part of a thematic module.
ASU Virtual Field Trips (9-12): Students can participate in topic based interactive and educationally rich experiences captured during real expeditions with scientists doing current research.