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Spartans MCMXCIV

The Class of 1994

Class of 1994    
  1994 Senior Class Officers
Senior Class of 1994 Officers Back row from left to right:  Matthew Stewart, Alicia Flammia (President), Johanna Rockwell (Vice President), Jayma Kendall (Treasurer), Brian Hiney; Front row: Cherilee Budrick (Class Historian), Jenny Edmondson (Representative); Missing: Tricia Smith (Representative), Shannon Monahan (Secretary)
This is the Class of 1994 who have pursued their passions, career and family life. We celebrate their past and present achievements and continue to honor them as an exemplar of our Milford Schools Community.
Where Are They Now?
STAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR PEOPLE. Tell them where you are, what you’re doing, and what’s happening in your life!  Share your personal accomplishments, recent travels, and interesting happenings by updating your information or by sending us an email.
Brent Chappell
Architectural Designer.