Food & Nutrition Services » School Meals

School Meals

School meals
Daily Breakfast Meal Available

Between 7:00 AM - 7:40 AM

The Milford School District serves meals that are convenient, economical and healthy. Our menus are designed to provide good nutrition and variety for our students.  However, due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, we are experiencing frequent product outages, shortages and substitutions.  For questions regarding specific products on the menu, please reach out to your school’s kitchen.
As families begin to prepare for the new school year, now is the time to apply for free and reduced-price meals from the school cafeteria.  To download files related to School Year 2024-2025 Household Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals, click here.
For questions regarding the school food service program, contact Mandy Dodier, Food and Nutrition Services Director, at 603 673-4201, ext. 3473.
The Milford School District uses an online service to help both the school and our parents by allowing you to make online deposits and to keep up with your students’ lunch balance.
If you are new to the district, you will need to know your students’ Patron ID number before you can link to their accounts.  This information will be sent out via a letter to parents or you can get it by calling the respective school cafeterias.
You can sign up for this service by visiting the EZSchoolPay website.
NOTE:  You should use a personal email account to register for EZSchoolPay.  It is important that you do NOT use a school email account for this system.
End-of-the-year EzSchoolPay FAQs

As the school year comes to a close, questions are being asked about your child’s school lunch account:
  • Account Funds: Any funds that have not been used on your child’s meal account automatically carry to the new school year, even if they change schools within the district.
  • Balance Transfers:  If all or a portion of the remaining funds on your child’s account need to be transferred to another child (i.e. older sibling graduated and you would like to move the remaining funds to another sibling’s account), please contact the school district’s Food Services Director (603 673-4201 ext: 3473) for processing.
  • Enrollment Information: Once the school year has ended, your child may show the school and/or grade level they were in for a period of time over the summer months.  Once the school district has performed the rollover to the new school year, this information will update automatically on

Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact EZSchoolPay at [email protected] or the Food Services Director at 603 673-4201, ext. 3473.