Index » Online Student Registration » Register for Jacques Memorial School

Register for Jacques Memorial School

Welcome to JMS Student Registration Page
(Please read the instructions carefully.)
If your child is NEW to the school district and is registering for Kindergarten or Grade 1, then you are on the right page.  To start the registration process, please click the right button below.
circle  STEP TWO: Which school year is your student registering for?
(Create an account.)
The registration process must be completed before your child can attend the Milford School District.
Children must be 5 years old on or before September 30, 2024, in order to enroll in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. 
Children must be 5 years old on or before September 30, 2025, in order to enroll in kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year. 
If you have any questions or need help with enrollment, please call Mrs. Tracey Demers at (603) 673-4434 x 0.
Welcome to Jacques!
Jacques Memorial School offers full-day Kindergarten in safe, caring school environments that strive to meet individual student needs.  To learn more about Jacques, click here to visit our website.
Required Documents:
  • Proof of Residency is required for entrance into the Milford schools. Passports and driver’s  licenses are not valid documents because they remain in effect for long periods of time.
 Acceptable proof of residency documents include:
  • Purchase and Sales Agreement, current lease agreement, recent tax bill, recent utility bill (electric, gas, water, etc.),  voter registration
  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Any pertinent legal documents i.e., custody arrangements and/or parenting plans
  • Updated Immunization records and proof of a physical within a year of enrollment
(Downloadable PDF)