Press Releases
Media Contact: Maria Kelloway, (603) 673-2202 ext 3184
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May 9, 2022
MHS Honors 7 Student Athletes
Milford, NH - Seven high school senior student athletes are able to take a bow.
(From Left to Right) Alyssa Godlewski, Abbey Halloran, Caroline Raiano, Sarah Sawyer, Nick Giordano, Zachary Naun, and Caden Zalenski
To honor the efforts, strengths, and grit of student athletes who have endured rigorous training for years, the MHS Athletics Department handed out the NHIAA 3 Sport Athlete Award to seven seniors.
Award recipients are nominated each year based on criteria which require the high school seniors to participate in an NHIAA sanctioned sport for each season of their high school career. The NHIAA 3 Sport Athlete Award recipients were:
- Nick Giordano
- Alyssa Godlewski
- Abbey Halloran
- Zachary Naun
- Caroline Raiano
- Sarah Sawyer
- Caden Zalenski
April 14, 2022
Milford School District Embraces Advanced Smart Board Technology

Milford, NH - To replace the aging smart boards and projectors, the Milford School District has recently adopted a future-oriented smart education solution that improves teaching and learning in our schools. These Viewsonic boards deliver incredible interactive capabilities for 21st century classrooms. Featuring huge touchscreens, ViewBoard displays let multiple users write, edit, and draw onscreen for dynamic presentations and creative brainstorming. The IT staff are currently working hand-in-hand with the Building and Grounds staff in setting them up in various locations all throughout the school district.
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March 16, 2022
MHS Hands Out Awards at the End-of-the-Season Banquet
Milford, NH - Our very own Dan DeBernando took the title "Champion of Champions" for this year's Division 2 and State Wrestling. From the MHS Wrestling Awards Banquet held March 16th in the cafeteria, these are photos courtesy of Danielle DeBernardo.
Left to Right: Ben Kilgore- Div 2 Wrestling Champion; Dan DeBernardo and Ben Kilgore; Dan DeBernardo - Div 2 and State Wrestling Champion.
On Wednesday, March 9th, three awards were handed out during the Boys Basketball Program Awards Banquet at the MHS Cafeteria. Ryon Constable received the Coach Dan Murray Award as well as the Varsity Team - Tom Peters State Farm Insurance Character Award while Alex Christopher received the Reserve Team - Tom Peters State Farm Insurance Character Award.
Left to Right: Ryon Constable ( Coach Dan Murray Award ); Alex Christopher ( Reserve Team - Tom Peters State Farm Insurance Character Award ); Ryon Constable ( Varsity Team - Tom Peters State Farm Insurance Character Award )
For the Girls Basketball Awards, student athletes, coaches, family and friends gathered in the cafeteria on Wednesday night, February 23, 2022 . Plaques, certificates, and Varsity letters were given out to recognize the commitment that all the student athletes have put into the Varsity and Junior Varsity Teams.
Left to Right: Varsity Team's recipients of the Tom Peters State Farm Insurance Character Award - Kate Hansen and Bailey Johnson; Julianna DaLuz and Keely Giordano from the JV Team, recipients of the Tom Peters State Farm Insurance Character Award.
The Milford Swim team also held its end-of-season awards banquet on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 in the MHS Cafeteria. This was a special way to recognize and honor the tremendous effort of the team and the graduating senior class. Coach Nancy McManus gave out certificates, Varsity letters, and plaques to student-athletes.
Left to Right: 4 Year Varsity Letter Award winners ( L-R ) : Brady Mitchell, Juliann DeGraffenried, Josh Anderson; Tom Peters State Farm Insurance Character Award recipients : Jasmine Blay, Josh Anderson; Seniors ( L- R ) : Noah McCandless, Brady Mitchell, Juliann DeGraffenried, Josh Anderson.
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November 23, 2021
Choose Love Bus Tour Stops at Milford School District
Milford, NH - Choose Love Founder Scarlett Lewis and the Choose Love On the Move bus tour made a productive stop at Milford School District on November 17-19, 2021. The District has successfully implemented Choose Love curriculum across grade levels since last year which fun-filled mini-lessons focus on COURAGE + GRATITUDE + FORGIVENESS + COMPASSION-IN-ACTION.

Led by Choose Love New Hampshire Director Shannon Delites, the bus tour team members engaged hands-on creative and reflective activities with students at Heron Pond Elementary School and Jacques Memorial School. The teachers, staff, and students had a great time reflecting and celebrating love and community.
How It All Began
Nine years ago, many innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary School were killed in a horrific school shooting. One of these children was six-year old Jesse Lewis whose mother, Scarlett Lewis, started the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. This movement sparked conversations about kindness, compassion and forgiveness in small local communities which later on spread through social and mass media. Throughout these years, Scarlett Lewis has been devoting her time advocating for social-emotional character development learning in schools to empower both children and adults emotionally, mentally, personally, and socially.
Why Choose Love?
Because essential life skills and tools make students become better learners, more desirable employees and happier, healthier human beings, the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement is committed to getting such training into as many schools around the world as possible for free. In 2018, New Hampshire became the first state to officially adopt and support Choose Love.
Choose Love is a program for Pre-K through 12th grades, designed to teach students, educators and staff how to choose love in any circumstance thereby creating a safer, more connected school culture. Schools can either teach the lessons in a separate SEL class or weave them into regular academic subjects.
Choose Love doesn’t track how many schools have embraced its curriculum but it has been downloaded by more than 500 schools in New Hampshire alone, and by countless others in all 50 states and in 111 countries. The Milford School District therefore recognizes its pivotal role in helping the students to always be kind, be grateful, be courageous, be compassionate, and above all, to Choose Love!
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