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Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQs)


Milford High School & the Applied Technology Center

Renovation Project

(Updated 1/14/25)


“We need your help; please share information with your friends and neighbors”

  1. What does the UPDATED Milford High School and Applied Technology Center project entail?

The Milford High School and Applied Technology Center project has been reduced in size and scope. There will be no demolition of the existing CTE center and no major additions.  The automotive program has been withdrawn from the proposal, however the motorsports program will stay. The project also includes renovating our current CTE programs and replacing outdated equipment. We will be replacing the leaky roof at the high school; renovating science and art classrooms, and restrooms; replacing HVAC units, exhaust fans, and unit ventilators; and renovating the main entrance. 

  1. What are the terms of the local bond and what is the tax impact?
    1. Total Project Cost - $23.6M
    2. Less State CTE Funding (Yr. 2 - Last Chance!) - $9.9M
    3. Milford Local Bond - $13.7M 

The exact terms of the bond will be determined at the time the bond is sold and only after the vote is passed. In the first year, taxpayers pay interest only. The greatest amount paid by the taxpayer is in the second year which is currently estimated at $0.67 per $1000, and then the impact decreases every year thereafter down to $0.45/1000 in the final year of a 15 year loan based on today’s projections. A tax impact document can be found on the District website.

  1. How many more opportunities does Milford have to receive the state funding for just the CTE portion of the renovation?

Each biennium, two (2) centers are designated at the state level for CTE renovation funding. To be eligible for funding, Milford must pass a local bond first. Milford has one more shot to pass a local bond for a portion of the renovation project ($13.7M) in March of 2025.  If the town DOES NOT pass a local bond by at least 60% of the total voters, Milford WILL NOT be eligible for the state's portion (up to $9.9M).

  1. Are there any other outstanding School District bonds and when do they end?

Yes, the District is paying on two bonds for Middle and High School renovations dating back to 2008 and 2017. The $ 4.4 M bond originated in 2008 is due to mature in 2028, and the other $3M bond will mature in 2027As these bonds are eliminated additional funds will be freed up to put toward the new bond for the renovation of the high school. 

  1. What “deferred maintenance” and other projects will be included in the high school renovation project?

There are several projects identified for inclusion in the main high school renovation including replacing the leaky roof at the high school; renovating science and art classrooms, and restrooms; replacing HVAC units, exhaust fans, and unit ventilators; and renovating the main entrance.

  1. What are the risks associated with NOT completing the renovation project?

This is often referred to as “kicking the can down the road”.  We have learned that deferring maintenance and much needed renovation leads to greater costs and complications at a later date. With inflation costs as high as they are, replacing a roof, HVAC work, educational program improvements, and educational equipment costs will grow more and more. *For example, the renovation project costs went up approximately 7% from last year’s proposal.

  1. What is (CTE) - Milford’s Applied Technology Center?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) refers to educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation. CTE programs aim to provide students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers. These programs often combine classroom instruction with hands-on learning experiences, and work based learning opportunities.


Students starting their Sophomore year are eligible to begin a CTE Program.  The three main components of CTE Programs include:


Industry Credentials: Provides students with the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certifications or credentials that can enhance their employability and career prospects.


Pathways to post-secondary education and Employment: CTE programs often create pathways to further education and direct entry into the workforce, allowing students to either continue their studies in a related field or start their careers immediately after completing the program.

Work-based learning: Job shadows, paid or unpaid internships, apprenticeships, and school credit for work based learning.  We have industry partners for all our programs that support our programs and welcome students to learn about their company.

  1. Are Milford and Peterborough CTE centers competing for the same pool of state funding?

No, Milford and Peterborough are not working in competition.  In fact, we recently learned that Peterborough has decided against putting their project forward in 2025 so no state funding will be available for them.

  1. What’s the likelihood of Milford receiving state funding for the renovation project?

The Commissioner of Education initially put the full amount of $28M in his proposed state budget this Fall. He has been notified that our project scope has been reduced and the states’ portion is now at $9.9M. The state budget will be approved in June, 2025.  If the state budget of $9.9M is cut for any reason, Milford’s project would be further reduced. We will not ask the Milford voters for any more funds than what is approved in the March 2025 town vote.

  1. Are there any other potential funding sources for the renovation project?

Several Milford businesses and non-profit organizations have pledged support for the renovation project through in-kind donations of equipment and, also, monetary support for certain spaces within the facility (i.e. Milford Rotary and Eckman Construction). Twenty-one Milford businesses have written letters of support for the project - many of which host our students for work-based learning.

  1. Will the Milford School District run “Milford Community Education” adult classes?

Yes, this is being explored in the District alongside other educational opportunities that are held in town.  The School Board’s Communications and Community Engagement committee is exploring some opportunities.

  1. Why is the renovation project a worthwhile investment?

The renovation project provides more students the chance to gain greater skills and opens more opportunities for their future outside of high school. We want students to stay in Milford after graduation to live, to work, and to raise a family. Students will benefit from increased earnings, better jobs, and the skills necessary to contribute to the Milford community and beyond.

  1. Why is the District taking down the newest part of the building for the renovation? 

In the updated project proposal, there will be NO demolition of the existing CTE center.

Previously, the architectural firm took into consideration a variety of factors when developing their proposal.  We considered renovating the ATC in its current footprint, however the size requirements and configurations needed to upgrade our current programs and the “Windows on West” restaurant make it much more difficult in the space we have today.  Additionally, there are laws that mandate how space is used based on its original funding sources.  Since the Applied Technology Center was built with Perkins funds, the space needs to be demolished or stay occupied by the Technology Center programs. This update proposal for consideration in 2025 is based on a compromise to reduce the taxpayer burden and still make vast improvements to the CTE programs.  The proposed renovation in place reduces growth of several of the CTE programs, relocates some programs to allow for increased area in programs with the greatest need, and offers all programs improvements with new equipment and renovated space.  Windows on West remains in its current place, but includes a small addition.  As part of the compromise, introduction programs including Intro to Foods and Woodworking  will not be relocated or significantly renovated.   

  1. What will be the operational costs associated with the renovation project?

We anticipate hiring a teacher for the motor sports program and one additional custodian.  Savings will be realized through energy efficiencies as well.  New and more modern equipment will reduce repair costs. Cost of supplies and replacement equipment will be absorbed through the CTE Perkins Grant, and ongoing maintenance will be annually budgeted to ensure long-term sustainability.

  1. What is the proposed timeline for construction, should the project pass?

The timeline found HERE will be updated soon to reflect a timeline for construction should the warrant article for the project pass in March of 2025.

  1. I have more questions, where do I go?

Please use the QR code below or on the District website under MHS/ATC Renovation project. Additionally, you may email Principal Radowicz, ATC Director Samantha Belcourt, or Superintendent Michaud.


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