6013 - (EBCH) Chemical Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan
6013 (EBCH) Chemical Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan 6013 (EBCH)
A. Purpose:
The Board's objective is to ensure a healthy, clean, and safe learning and
working environment for students, employees, and all others present on school
property. This policy achieves this goal in two primary ways:
- Establishing standards for the use and handling of toxic chemicals related to
cleaning and pest control. - Directing the development of a Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan (the Plan)
for managing hazardous substances on district property and addressing
emergencies involving such substances.
The Plan shall encompass all locations on District property where hazardous
substances are used or stored, including, but not limited to:
substances are used or stored, including, but not limited to:
- Chemistry and other science laboratories,
- Art rooms,
- Shop classes,
- Food service areas,
- Facilities and grounds keeping operations, and
- Custodial services.
For the purposes of this policy, "Hazardous Substances" refers to any material
designated as hazardous under state or federal law or any substance or mixture of
substances that may be explosive, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic.
designated as hazardous under state or federal law or any substance or mixture of
substances that may be explosive, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic.
B. Plan Preparation and Contents
The Board directs the Superintendent or designee to prepare a Chemical
Hygiene Plan that complies with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations
regarding hazardous materials management. When necessary, the district shall
consult the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and/or
the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) for
The Plan shall address at a minimum the following components:
- Identification and Inventory of Hazardous Materials
- Processes for identifying and inventorying hazardous substances.
- Classification systems for acquisition, storage, use, disposal, record-
keeping, and emergency response.
- General Emergency Response Provisions
- Protocols for responding to hazardous substance emergencies,
- Protocols for responding to hazardous substance emergencies,
▪ Designated responsible personnel.
▪ Required resources.
▪ Decision-making hierarchies.
▪ Communication templates.
▪ Parental notification procedures.
▪ Media plans.
▪ Required resources.
▪ Decision-making hierarchies.
▪ Communication templates.
▪ Parental notification procedures.
▪ Media plans.
- These provisions shall be integrated into the District Crisis
Prevention and Response Plan and site-specific Emergency
Operations Plans prepared under Board policy 6010 (EBCA).
- These provisions shall be integrated into the District Crisis
- Special Provisions for Specific Substances
- Criteria for acquisition, storage, use, and disposal.
- Incident prevention measures.
- Emergency protocols for accidental release or similar incidents.
- Minimizing Toxic Chemical Use
- Strategies to minimize the use of toxic chemicals for cleaning and pest
control. - Prohibition of unauthorized cleaning products or pesticides on district
- Strategies to minimize the use of toxic chemicals for cleaning and pest
- Procedures to Obtain Approval
- Procedures required for staff to obtain written approval from school
administration in order to bring cleaning products or pesticides onto
District property;
- Procedures required for staff to obtain written approval from school
- Implementation Protocols
- Clear delineation of staff responsibilities by position or general roles.
- Staff Training
- Individualized and general training requirements.
- Responsibilities for ensuring and updating training.
- Training frequency and development of syllabi.
- Encouraging safer alternatives to hazardous substances and
minimizing waste generation.
- Compliance and Consequences
- Remedies or consequences for staff failing to adhere to the Plan or
- Remedies or consequences for staff failing to adhere to the Plan or
- Student Training and Sanctions
- Incorporation of student training in applicable class safety contracts.
- Sanctions, remedies, or interventions as appropriate.
- Non-Emergency Reporting Protocols
- Procedures for reporting general concerns regarding hazardous
- Procedures for reporting general concerns regarding hazardous
C. Prohibition of Unauthorized Cleaning Products or Pesticides
No employee or designated volunteer may bring cleaning products or pesticides
onto district property without prior approval from the school administration.
D. Biennial Review and Update
The superintendent or designee shall ensure the Plan, along with all procedures
and protocols, is reviewed at least every two (2) years and updated as
necessary. Updated copies of the Plan and procedures shall be provided to the
Board no later than the start of each school year. Any recommendations
requiring Board policy changes shall be submitted to the policy committee and
Board as soon as feasible.
NH Dept of Ed Regulation | Description | |
N.H. Code Admin. Rules Ed 320 | School Facility Approval Process | |
Reference: NH Ed 320.02(b)(8) for guidance on Chemical Hygiene Plan content. | ||
Adopted: 2/17/2025 |