Policies - Section 5000 » 5086 - (KI) School Visitation and Observation

5086 - (KI) School Visitation and Observation

5086 (KI) School Visitation and Observation 5086 (KI)
All persons, other than staff and pupils enrolled in the school, who may come to the
school for any reason during the school day are considered visitors and must report and
sign in at the school office. Employees of the school system (directors, coordinators,
maintenance staff members, and others) are to advise the school Principal or Secretary
that they are in the building. A visitor (a person not employed by the school system)
must report to the school office and receive permission to be on the school grounds.

In an effort to minimize disruptions for students, teachers, and related service providers,
and to protect instructional or planning time, all those visiting or wishing to observe a
student during the school day are to adhere to the following guidelines:

1. No person shall visit a school without first reporting to the office of the Principal as to
the purpose and place of the visit. Visitors must wear a visitor’s pass throughout their
time in the building and may be accompanied by a staff member while in the building.

2. In the interest of not disturbing the educational process, visitors must not interfere
with the teaching/learning process and must comply with all policies, rules, or
regulations of the Milford School District.

3. In order to protect the privacy or confidentiality rights of other students, observations
shall not include the use of devices to record audio, still, or video images without the
prior approval of the building principal or designee.

4. In instances where observations are specific to a special education student, the
principal or designee will contact the Executive Director of Student Support Services to
ensure consistency in observation practices. The principal/designee will determine the
most appropriate observation location, mutually agreeable time, and duration to conduct
the observation.

Outside specialists not contracted by the Milford School District visiting schools must
possess proper certification and hold liability insurance. In addition, all outside
specialists not contracted by the Milford School District will report to the building
principal or designee; not a staff member or student.

5. Persons wishing to meet with a staff member for the purpose of discussing a
particular problem shall do so only at a time when it does not interrupt the normal school
program, to ensure proper time and attention to the matter. Persons wishing to make
such arrangements may do so by securing an appointment with the teacher through the
office of the Principal or by direct contact with the teacher.

6. All visitors must uphold the Milford School District Receipt of Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Regulations and Confidentiality Requirement.

Adopted: 9/3/2024