Policies - Section 3500 » 3531 - (IKF) High School Graduate Requirements

3531 - (IKF) High School Graduate Requirements

3531 (IKF) High School Graduate Requirements 3531 (IKF) 
Students generally earn a high school diploma through a combination of high school credit
and mastery of required course level competencies. Methods for earning credit are
discussed in Board policy 3529 (IK), while competencies are discussed in Board policy
3537 (ILBAA). This policy outlines the specific courses, competencies and other specific
requirements before a student will receive a diploma or other graduation credential. The
Board reserves the right to impose additional academic requirements necessary to graduate
and/or receive a diploma. 

A. Credit Requirements
1.  Awarding of Credit - Credit will be awarded in accordance with Board policy 3529
(IK), Earning of High School Credit. Additionally, a unit of credit shall be given upon
satisfactory completion of a course or learning experience in compliance with the
district-specified curriculum and assessment standards. In some cases, course
credit may also be awarded based on demonstrated mastery of the required
competencies for the course. Assessment of mastery will be the responsibility of the
Principal, and will be in accordance with Board policy 3537 (ILBAA), High School
Competency Assessments. Credit will be awarded only once for a specific required
course with the same content during the secondary school experience.
2. Required Subjects and Credits:
a. A minimum of twenty (26) credits are required to graduate and earn a Milford High
School diploma. The required subjects and credits for high school graduation are:
Arts education: 1 credit
Information and communications technologies:
1 credit (One credit in an
Applied Technology course that
meets advanced information
and communication technology
(ICT) standards chosen from a
list of approved courses, or one
credit in a non ICT Applied
Technology course along with a
.5 credit digital portfolio)
English: 4 credits
Mathematics: 4 credits
Physical sciences: 1 credit
Biological sciences: 1 credit
Elective Science 1 credit
US and NH history: 1 credit
US and NH government/civics: ½ credit
Economics, including personal finance: ½ credit
World history, global studies, or geography 1 credit
Health education: 1 credit
Physical education: 1 credit
Career Focused Electives 2 credits
Open electives: 6 credits
Totals: 26 credits
b. A Milford High School State Standard Diploma may be awarded to any student
who completes the state minimum required units of study as defined by Ed 306.27(l)
as listed below. A total minimum of 20 credits and acceptance into the program is
Milford High School State Standard Diploma Requirements:
English 4 credits
Math (including Algebra)
3 credits (including algebra credit that can
be earned through a sequential, integrated,
or applied program)
Science (physical and biological) 2 credits
Social Studies (including civics, US and NH history, and economics/personal finance)
2.5 credits
World Language 2 credits
Information & Communications Tech.* 0.5 credit
Arts Education 0.5 credit
Physical Education 1 credit
Health Education 0.5 credit
Electives 6 credits
Total 20 credits
*Half credit in an Applied Technology course that meets advanced information and
communication technology (ICT) standards chosen from a list of approved courses, or .5
credit digital portfolio independent study.

c. A Milford High School graduate may receive New Hampshire Scholars recognition
on their diploma and transcript by completing the required units of study at a college
preparation level and achieves a minimum grade point average as listed below.
Attainment of such will be noted on a student’s diploma, transcript and in the
graduation program.

A minimum grade point average of 3.0 at the time of graduation is required for NH Scholars,
and 3.25 is required for the STEM and Arts option. Courses must be taken at the College
and Career Preparation, Honors or AP-level.
Milford High School New Hampshire Scholars Diploma Requirements:
English 4 credits
Math 4 credits
Science 3 credits
Social Studies 3.5 credits
World Language 2 credits
Information & Communications Tech.* 1 credit
Fine Arts* 1 credit
Wellness 2 credits
Electives 5.5 credits
Total 26 credits
*An additional STEM and/or Art class is required for the STEM/Arts NH Scholars

Detailed information regarding coursework is available in the High School Program of

d. A Certificate of Completion may be awarded to students with individualized
education programs (IEPs). These certificates shall not be equal to a Milford High
School Diploma per the State of New Hampshire Department of Education. All
students with disabilities shall be entitled to continue their high school educational
program until such time as each student has earned a regular high school diploma or
has attained the age of 22, whichever comes first.

The following conditions will apply to students earning a Certificate of Completion:
        • The student is identified with an educational disability as documented in an
          Individualized Education Program (IEP),
        • The student has spent a majority of their high school program in either non-credit
          granting courses or was unable to demonstrate competency in required courses and,
          therefore, was unable to attain sufficient credits for a standard diploma, and
        • The student has completed a minimum of four years of high school.
The IEP Team will determine if the student has met the criteria for a Certificate of
Completion as outlined in the IEP. An award of this certificate will be on or before the
student’s 22nd birthday.

The student may choose when to receive the Certificate of Completion on one of three
predetermined opportunities:
    • At the time of graduation with common age peers
    • At the conclusion of IEP program, or
    • Upon reaching the age of 22 (Graduation ceremony must be prior to their 22nd
If the student participates in the traditional ceremony, the student’s name will be included in
the written graduation publication(s) with no difference in listing from his/her peers awarded
a regular diploma. . The granting of a Certificate of Completion and/or participation in the
commencement activities does not negate the student’s rights to services until the age of 22
as identified in the IEP.
3. Alternative Credit Options - The Superintendent or Principal may approve the
granting of credit earned through alternative methods outside of regular classroom-
based instruction. Such alternative methods of instruction may include extended
learning opportunities, distance education, alternative learning plans, or others
approved by the Superintendent or designee. Awarding of credits to be applied
toward high school graduation requirements will be determined by the high school
Principal on a case-by-case basis. Such credit will be granted pursuant to the
provisions of Board policy 3528 (IMBC), Alternative Credit Options and other
applicable Board policies.

B. Passage of Civics Exam

The district will develop a competency assessment of United States government and
civics, consistent with pertinent and applicable law. This assessment will be
administered to students as part of the high school course in history and government of
the United States and New Hampshire. Students must attain a passing grade on this
assessment to be eligible to receive a high school diploma or other graduation

Effective for students graduating after June 30, 2023, the district will also administer the
128 question civics (history and government) naturalization examination developed by
the 2020 United States Citizen and Immigration Services (“U.S. Citizenship Test”). This
exam may be modified for a student with a disability in accordance with the student’s
individualized education program. Students must earn a grade of 70 percent or better to
be eligible to receive a high school diploma or other graduation certificate.

Under RSA 189:11, II, the Superintendent will submit the composite results of either the
locally developed civics competency assessment or the U.S. Citizenship Test to the
N.H. Department of Education.
C. Federal Student Aid Application
Pursuant to RSA 193:26-a, all students who are eligible for graduation will receive
information on how to obtain and properly complete the free FAFSA application. The
District shall provide to each student and, if applicable, the parent/guardian, any support
or assistance necessary, upon request.
D. Additional Mathematics Content

In accordance with Ed 306.27(l), all students shall engage with mathematics
competencies in each of their four years of high school in order to support college and
career readiness. These competencies may be integrated into other courses or learning

E. Alternative Learning Plans

As an alternative to satisfying the provisions of this policy and related State
requirements, students may also graduate from high school and obtain either a high
school diploma or its equivalent by participating in an alternative learning plan or
program. The provisions of Board policy 3527 (IHBI), Alternative Learning Plans, shall
apply in such an event.

F. Interdisciplinary Credit

A student may request that a credit earned in one content area be applied to another
content area provided that the course in which the credit was earned has been
approved for interdisciplinary credit by the high school administration. Interdisciplinary
credit may be counted only once in meeting graduation requirements.
F. Early Graduation

The Board supports early graduation as a means to earn a high school diploma (see
Board policy 3535 IKFA).

Ed 306.27: High School Curriculum, Units of Credit, Graduation Requirements, and Co-
curricular Program.

Ed 702: NH Adult High School Diploma Requirements.

Adopted: 10/1980
Revised: 3/1996, 3/2005, 4/2007, 2/2012, 5/2013, 10/2014, 4/2015, 1/2024, 2/2025
Related Policies: 3529 (IK), 3535( IKFA), 3537 (ILBAA) & 3528 (IMBC)