Policies - Section 2400 » 2409 - Staff Protection

2409 - Staff Protection

2409 Staff Protection 2409

The Board confirms that it has voted to indemnify and hold harmless school district employees pursuant to RSA 31:105, relating to claims that may be entered against them as a result of carrying out their assigned responsibilities . Additionally, the Board confirms that it provides for liability coverage for all personnel through policies structured to provide coverage for actions identified in RSA 507-B , as well as professional liability insurance, workers' compensation, and unemployment compensation coverage.

Adopted: November 1995
Revised: June 2007, November 2007

1. Workers' Compensation

All employees are covered by workers' compensation insurance paid for and provided by the District. This insurance coverage is provided for all employees regardless of assignment, length of assignment, and/or hours worked per day. Benefits afforded are for bodily injuries or illness and wage loss arising from accident or diseases suffered or contracted as a result of employment, as provided for by state law. In the event that an employee is injured and is collecting workers' compensation insurance, the District may pay to said employee the difference between workers' compensation and that employee's regular salary. In the event that an employee workers’ compensation claim is determined to be fraudulent by the insurance company, the employee shall reimburse any supplemental compensation received from the District under this policy.

Adopted: June 1975
Revised: September 198, March 1989, November 1995, January 1999, September
2001, April 2007, November 2007

2. Unemployment Compensation

All employees are covered by unemployment compensation insurance paid for and provided by the District. This insurance coverage is provided for all employees regardless of assignment, length of assignment, and/or hours worked per day. Benefits afforded are for wage loss due to temporary unemployment through no fault of the individual, for those who meet eligibility requirements as provided for in state law. District employees with reasonable assurance of employment after a regularly scheduled vacation break are ineligible for benefits during such breaks.

Adopted: November 1995
Revised: April 2007, November 2007