Policies - Section 2200 » 2293 (EHAA) - Computer Security, E-Mail and Internet Communications

2293 (EHAA) - Computer Security, E-Mail and Internet Communications

2293 (EHAA) Computer Security, E-Mail  2293 (EHAA)
and Internet Communications
The District has established this policy with regard to access and disclosure of electronic
data composed, stored, sent, or received by employees using the District computer
system. This policy is designed to protect the safety and security of the District's computer
systems including e-mail and Internet use.
  1. The computer hardware system, software and e-mail system are owned by the
    District, and all messages or data composed, stored, sent, or received using the
    system are and remain the private property of the District. They are not the property
    of the employee.
  2. The computer and e-mail system is to be used for school district purposes only.
    Personal business is unauthorized and should not be conducted on the system.
  3. The electronic mail system may not be used to solicit or proselytize for commercial
    ventures, religious or political causes, outside organizations, or other non-job
    related solicitations.
  4. The District prohibits discriminatory, harassing, or offensive materials in any form of
    media. Among those which are considered offensive are any messages which
    contain sexual implications, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any other
    comments that offensively address someone's age, sexual orientation, religious or
    political beliefs, national origin, or disability.
  5. The District reserves, and intends to exercise without prior notice, the right to read,
    review, audit, intercept, access or disclose any and all information on an
    employee's computer system or messages created, received or sent over the
    electronic mail system for any purpose, even if coded or passworded.
  6. The confidentiality of any message or data should not be assumed. Even when a
    message is erased, it is still possible to retrieve and read that message. The use of
    passwords for security does not guarantee confidentiality, or that the District will not
    retrieve it.
  7. Any communications created, sent, or retrieved using e-mail may be read by
    individuals other than the intended recipient.
  8. Notwithstanding the District's right to retrieve and monitor any e-mail messages,
    such messages should be treated as confidential by other employees and
    accessed only by the intended recipient. Employees are not authorized to retrieve
    or read any e-mail that is not sent to them. Any exception to this policy must receive
    prior approval by the Superintendent.
  9. Any employee who violates this policy or uses the computer system or electronic
    mail system for improper purposes shall be subject to discipline up to and including
  10. The District has the authority to terminate or limit access to any program at any
  11. The District will take all necessary measures to maintain student privacy relative to
    the District's website, online information and storage of student personally
    identifiable information, as required by state and federal law.
NH Statutes  Description
RSA 189:68-a 
RSA 194:3-d 
Student Online Personal Information
School District Computer Networks
Related Policy  
2294 (EHAB) Data Governance and Security
Adopted: 12/16/2024