Policies - Section 2200 » 2245 (EB) - Workplace Safety Program & Joint Loss Management Committee

2245 (EB) - Workplace Safety Program & Joint Loss Management Committee

2245 (EB) Workplace Safety Program and Joint Loss Management Committee 2245 (EB)

  1. Workplace Safety Program

The Superintendent shall prepare and maintain a current workplace safety program as required under RSA 281-A:64, which program shall be filed with the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Labor, and updated at least biennially.  The workplace safety program shall meet the requirements established by the Department of Labor (see NH Code of Admin. Rules Lab 602.01-02), and, among other things, shall include a plan for responding to violent acts committed by students against employees, volunteers, and visitors.

  1. Joint Loss Management Committee

The Superintendent will cause the formation of the Joint Loss Management Committee (the “Committee”) as required by RSA 281-A:64, III.  The purpose of the Committee is to bring workers and management together in a non-adversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health in each workplace.  The Committee’s recommendations are advisory only, and are intended to assist the Employer.

The composition, function and duties of the Committee shall be as provided under New Hampshire Department of Labor rules Lab 603.01, 603.02 and such other rules as the Department of Labor may, from time to time, adopt.  The Committee shall also address protocols for employees to follow in relation to workplace violence, including training as required by RSA 281-A:64, III.

The Committee shall meet at least quarterly, with the first meeting each year to occur before the beginning of the student school year.


Legal References

RSA 281-A: 64, Worker’s Compensation, Safety Provisions; Administrative Penalty

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Ed 306.04(a)(2), School Safety

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Ed 306.04(d), School Safety Procedures

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Lab 602.01-02, Safety Programs

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Lab 603.01.04, Joint Loss Management Committee


Adopted:  06/08/2021