Policies - Section 2100 » 2164 - School Board Communications

2164 - School Board Communications

2164 School Board Communications 2164

The School Board shall not use any form of communication as a substitute for voting, deliberating, or conducting business that is properly conducted at Board meetings.

If at any time an electronic communication (email, text, instant message, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) is originated by a Board member or administrator and is communicated to a quorum of the Board either directly or by sequential communications, the communication shall be considered a governmental record for purposes of RSA 91-A:1- a, III. As such, the contents of the communication shall be publicly disclosed and included in the minutes of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Under no circumstances shall communication governed by FERPA, confidentiality regulations, RSA 91-A:3, and/or other applicable law relative to privacy and confidentiality be communicated electronically. Exceptions to this shall be as follows:
  1. Reminders to Board members about special school events from the Board Chair
    or Superintendent/designee.
  2. Notification to Board members by the Chair or Superintendent/designee of
    incidents or school district emergencies for awareness and informational purposes.
  3. Electronic communication exclusively between two Board members.
  4. School newsletters and announcements sent from school administrators.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
RSA 91-A
Miller v. Fremont School Board, Rockingham County Superior Court, No. 03-E-152 (2003)

Adopted: 5/2012