Policies - Section 2100 » 2151 (BEAB) - Board Member Use of Electronic Communication Devices During School Board Meetings 

2151 (BEAB) - Board Member Use of Electronic Communication Devices During School Board Meetings 

2151  (BEAB) Board Member Use of Electronic Communication Devices
During School Board Meetings  2151 (BEAB)

This policy is not meant to prohibit Board members from using computers or similar devices during a meeting, provided such use is limited to purposes of conducting the orderly operations of the meeting.

School board members shall refrain from using electronic communication devices during board meetings, except for the purposes of the meeting or emergency personal matters. Electronic communication devices means, but is not limited to, cell phones, camera phones, pagers, beepers, and other similar electronic communication devices.
Board members shall not use these devices during meetings to communicate with members of the public regarding official school board business, agenda items, or other board matters that are properly discussed publicly during board meetings.

Adopted: 10/2019
Revised: 06/2021