Policies - Section 2100 » 2136 (BDF) - Special Advisory Committee to the Board

2136 (BDF) - Special Advisory Committee to the Board

2136 (BDF) Special Advisory Committee to the Board 2136 (BDF)

The Board will rely on various Special advisory committees to counsel it as a means of discerning the needs and desires of the District and its residents.  The central purpose of all Special advisory committees is to contribute to the educational program by conducting studies, identifying problems, and developing recommendations that will enhance the effectiveness of the decision making process. 

Any special advisory committee shall have only those duties and powers as the Board determines.  The ultimate authority to make decisions will continue to reside with the Board.  No advisory committee's recommendations shall have any binding effect on appropriations, unless all the procedures of RSA 32 have been followed.

Specific topics for study or activities shall be assigned, by the board in writing, to each committee.  Upon completing its assignment, each committee shall either be given a new assignment or be dissolved.  Special advisory committees shall not be allowed to continue for a prolonged period of time without a definite assignment.  Each special advisory committee shall be instructed as to the length of time each member is being asked to serve, the service the Board wishes it to render, the resources the Board intends to provide, the approximate date(s) the Board wishes it to submit reports, and the approximate dates on which the Board wishes to dissolve the committee


The Board shall have the sole power to establish or dissolve any special advisory committee to the Board. The Board may seek the advice of the Superintendent before establishing or dissolving any special advisory committees. 

Appointments to Advisory Committees to the Board shall be made as follows: The Board shall make all appointments of citizens to special advisory committees.  The Superintendent shall make all appointments of staff members to special advisory committees after approval of the Board. Board representatives shall be appointed by the Chair, with the approval of the Board;

The Board shall see that the public is made aware of the services rendered by such a special advisory committee as it may appoint, and shall see that the public is informed of the major conclusions and recommendations of such committees.  All public announcements concerning the organization, membership, operation, recommendations and dissolution of such committees shall be made at such time and in such manner as the Board may choose.



All committees must conform with applicable provisions of the New Hampshire Right-to-Know Law.


History:           7/95, 8/01, 12/15/03, 12/6/21

Ref:                 RSA32, 2132(BDE,BDF)