Policies - Section 2100 » 2117 - Student Member of the School Board

2117 - Student Member of the School Board

2117(BBBF) Student Member of the School Board 2117(BBBF)

The Board shall add one student member from the District high school. Student-member will serve a one-year term and have the status and authority of a Board member except the student-member will not have the right to vote. Student-member will be excluded from all non-public sessions the Board enters.
Student-member will be chosen by a vote of the high school student body, in accordance with the provisions of RSA 194:23-f.

Student-member is expected to:
  1. Attend all school board meetings and present to the school board updates, concerns, proposals, and ideas for the district-wide student body;
  2. Be aware of the great responsibility of the position in representing the total student community.
  3. Serve as a liaison between students and the Board; and have their opinions considered during public discussions of agenda items as well as in other meetings to which the student has been invited by the Board Chair/or committee chair.
  4. The Student Representative shall meet with student government representatives and/or other interested student groups to discuss policies, actions, and decisions that affect students.
  5. Comply with all Board policies relative to students and Board members, when applicable.
Terms of Office and Election
  1. There shall be a student representative to the School Board who is either a rising sophomore, junior, or senior.
  2. Any Student who will graduate during the terms duration is not eligible to be a candidate.
  3. The term of office will be for one year from September to June with optional attendance at July and August School Board meetings.
  4. The newly elected student representative to the Board shall be confirmed and seated by the Board at the first regular meeting held following the elections and no later than the first School Board meeting in October.
  5. A vacancy shall be filled through special election of the student body. The tenure of this selection will be for the remaining portion of the original term.
  6. To remain a School Board member, the student representative shall set an exemplary example and comply with all district policy and school procedures.
Student member shall be released no later than 9:00 PM.
Legal References:

RSA 189:1-c, School Board Student Member
RSA 194:23-f, High School Student as a Board Member

Adopted 10/18/21
Revised 9/19/22