2024 - August

Aug 21, 2024, 8:00 AM 

Dear Milford Students, Parents, and Families,


Welcome to the start of a brand new school year in the Milford School District! I hope this letter finds you well and that you've had the chance to enjoy a warm, relaxing summer with friends and family. There's nothing quite like the excitement and anticipation that comes with the start of a new school year. We’re thrilled to kick off the 2024-2025 school year with optimism for the opportunities and growth ahead for our students, staff, and families.



The Milford School District’s vision is to be an inspiring community where deep learning and strong relationships empower ALL students to be designers of their own story.  As we embark on this new school year, we are guided by our Strategic Plan and the Milford Portrait of a Graduate, with a focus on enhancing student learning, growth, and achievement.  We take pride in our vibrant school community and are dedicated to being STRONGER TOGETHER with our students, parents, faculty and staff, community partners, and School Board members. 


Welcoming New Leadership, Faculty, and Staff

We are excited to introduce new leadership, faculty, and staff across various departments and roles within our School District. With their strong commitment to student success, extensive experience, and innovative ideas, our new team members are poised to make significant contributions to the growth and development of our schools, enhancing the overall educational experience for our students. Please stop by to say hello!


Student Wellness, Academic, and Behavioral Success 

Our faculty and staff remain dedicated to advancing the Milford School District's PreK-12 continuum of learning, including the development and revision of grade level and subject area curricula, competencies, authentic assessments, and engaging lessons for students. 


Professional Development and Early Release days provide our educators with opportunities to learn from experts in the field, engage in collaborative discussions on effective instructional practices, create authentic assessments, share ideas, and review student data.


We believe that students achieve their highest academic potential when their behavior is well-regulated and their wellness is prioritized. Each of our schools has implemented multi-tiered systems of support and is continually refining these systems. This includes fostering strong teacher-student relationships, establishing common expectations and language, employing effective restorative and reflective approaches to misbehavior, and creating meaningful learning opportunities. 


Student Study Teams

A Student Study Team (SST) is a group of educators and support staff who come together to help any student who may be experiencing difficulties in school. The purpose of an SST is to identify challenges a student might be facing—whether academic, behavioral, or emotional—and to develop a plan to support the student’s success.


The SST process starts when a teacher or parent expresses concern about a student. The team then meets to discuss the student's strengths and challenges, review any relevant data (like test scores, work samples, or observations), and brainstorm strategies or interventions that could help.  An action plan is created, which includes specific goals and strategies, and a timeline for follow-up. Parents are encouraged to share their observations, concerns, and insights about their child. Your input is invaluable in understanding your child’s needs and finding the best ways to support them.


The goal is to provide targeted support that helps the student succeed. This might involve changes in the classroom, additional resources, or referrals to other services. The team will monitor progress and adjust the plan as needed. If the strategies and interventions put in place by the SST are effective, the student may no longer need additional support. If more help is needed, the SST may recommend further evaluation or additional resources.


Parent Involvement 

We greatly value the partnership between our schools and parents. Your participation in school and district events, parent forums, and student activities fosters a strong sense of community and supports the success of both our students and teachers. We encourage you to visit our schools, meet with teachers and administrators, connect with parent groups including our active PTOs, and explore various activities and volunteer opportunities.



Effective communication between home and school is crucial for a successful school year. Our Schools and District website, calendars, announcements, and social media pages (accessed at the top of the District website) are regularly updated to keep you informed about important dates, events, and news. We encourage you to contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. By working together, we can build a strong foundation for our students’ success.

Breakfast and Lunch Costs    
There are changes in the breakfast and lunch costs for this school year.

 2024-2025, meal costs will be: 



Elementary School

Middle School

High School










WE NEED YOUR HELP! Even if you don’t think you qualify, please complete the form at the link below for Free and Reduced Lunch.

Each year, the Federal Government allocates GRANTS to our schools based on the School District’s count for Free and Reduced Lunch.  We are asking families to click on the link and complete the F&R Lunch Form HERE.  Even if you do not think you qualify, it is important that you complete the form as doing so helps our District receive funds that are vital to running programs and providing services for our students.  If you prefer a hard copy of the form, please contact your child’s school.  Thank you for your participation. 


Student Enrollment Information & Family Raffle

As soon as possible, please complete your child’s Back to School Student Information form. This information is crucial to ensure our schools have the most updated emergency contact and medical information, as well as parent approvals and permissions. 


Each week through September, we will randomly select a lucky family from the list of completed Student Information forms and award a family with a Dinner-On-Us gift certificate. 


Thank you for completing your child’s forms as soon as possible.


As the summer draws to a close and we embark on a new school year, I extend my warmest wishes and heartfelt encouragement to stay engaged, ask questions, and share ideas as a valued partner in your child’s education. Together with the entire Milford School District community, let's make this the best school year yet!


Thank you for trusting us with the honor of educating your children. I'm excited to watch each student grow, learn, and flourish in the months ahead. Here’s to an amazing school year!



Christi L. Michaud                        

Superintendent of Schools