2022 - August
Aug. 25, 2022 12:23 PM
Dear Milford Parents, Students, and Families,
Welcome Back to School 2022! It is truly an honor and a privilege for me to open the 2022-2023 school year as your Superintendent. I hope this letter finds you well, and that you have been able to enjoy the warm summer with friends and family. There’s no better feeling than the excitement and anticipation surrounding the start of a new school year! We are eager to begin the 2022-2023 school year with optimism for what lies ahead for students, staff, and families.
MSD Strategic Plan
This past week, members of the Milford School Board joined the annual leadership retreat to review evidence of progress toward goals in the District’s Strategic Plan, and to discuss target areas for the upcoming school year. We are proud of the great work that has been done to date despite the interruptions of the pandemic, and know that our continued efforts will lead to stronger outcomes when it comes to student growth and learning. A strategic plan progress report will be shared out in September.
In the school year ahead, we remain committed to a vision that we will be an inspiring community where deep learning and strong relationships empower ALL students to be designers of their own story. Together, we will work to make strides in goal areas focused on student success including the continued work of writing curricula for all subject areas. We will continue our efforts to promote a positive culture where students and adults feel safe, engaged, and supported. Communication and community engagement will remain prominent for each of us as we develop and sustain positive relationships, amplify transparency, and seek community energy to support our daily work of educating students, as well as the upcoming facilities projects (See invitation to Public Forum attached).
Health and Safety
The Milford School District will continue to follow NH DHHS and CDC guidance. On August 11, 2022, the CDC released updates and recent changes to their recommendations for COVID-19 prevention. Many of the layered prevention strategies described in this guidance can help prevent the spread of other infectious diseases, such as influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and norovirus, and support healthy learning environments for all.
A copy of the CDC updated guidance and recommendations can be found here:
In addition, current isolation and quarantine recommendations from the NH Covid-19 Response Team can be found here:
Breakfast and Lunch Programs
Last year, the USDA made it possible for school nutrition programs to serve all students free breakfast and lunch through special waivers. Congress did not extend these waivers for the upcoming school year. There will be a charge for breakfast and lunch in the coming school year.
Last year, the USDA made it possible for school nutrition programs to serve all students free breakfast and lunch through special waivers. Congress did not extend these waivers for the upcoming school year. There will be a charge for breakfast and lunch in the coming school year.
In 2022-2023, our meal costs will be:

We need your help! Please complete the form at the link below to see if you qualify.
For programming purposes, and in order to apply for special grants, including federal programs like Title I, it is important that families click on the link and complete this form. If you prefer a hard copy of the form, please contact your child’s school.
Student Enrollment Information & Family Raffle
As soon as possible, please complete your child’s Back to School enrollment renewal forms, which were emailed to parents earlier this month. This information is crucial to ensure our school’s have the most updated emergency contact and medical information, as well as parent approval and signature for other policy driven forms.
Each week through September, we will randomly select a lucky family from the list of completed annual renewal forms for the upcoming school year and award that family with a Dinner-On-Us gift certificate.
Thank you for completing your child’s forms as soon as possible.
As the summer days wind down, and we begin a new school year, please accept my best wishes and sincere encouragement to stay connected, ask questions, and share ideas as a valued partner in your child’s education. Please join me and the entire Milford School District Community in “TEAMING UP” for the best school year yet!
Ms. Christi Michaud