2021 - December
Dec 23, 2021 10:54 AM
Dear Milford Students, Families, Staff, and Community Members,
I'm writing to wish you all the Happiest of Holidays, and a safe, fun, and relaxing week with your loved ones. I want to thank our wonderful parents and supportive community partners, and especially our hardworking students, faculty, and staff for teaming up and working together in 2021. We have shared great successes this year while still confronting the challenges of the continued pandemic. I couldn't be more proud. #MilfordTeamsUp will continue to be our mantra in 2022. We ARE rising above the challenges, focussing on student success, partnering with families and our community, and problem solving in creative ways. Check out some 2021 reflections and celebrations below!

- Students return to in-person learning with their peers and teachers.
- Return to Learning plans ensure student safety with minimal transmission of virus within schools for students and staff (13 clusters, <10% total population positive cases with majority of cases unrelated and transmission occurring outside school).
- District Testing and Vaccination Clinics provide convenience and comfort to families and staff.
- Federal and competitive grant funds supplement MSD operating budget allowing better management of spending of taxpayer dollars.
- MSD welcomes new talented staff with great expertise and excitement to join our team.
- Wrap-around services, student support centers, and response teams support students and families with behavior, mental health, and wellness concerns.
- Milford students and educators earn top awards - Art Teacher of the Year, Coach of the Year, Athletic Director of the Year!
- Elementary and Secondary schools partner for special STEM projects.
- Career Technical Education explores the addition of Health Sciences, increases community externships for students, and certifications for graduates.
- 2022 proposed budget preparations include projects addressing years of deferred maintenance and a focus on putting updated technology in the hands of students and teachers.
- Improved union relationships and successful efforts to rebuild trust.
- Student robotics teams compete across the state.
- Athletic teams celebrate successful seasons and championship games.
- Band, chorus, and theater students blow away crowds with their talents.
- Individualized classroom and school-wide approaches and new resources effectively address student learning gaps.
- District curriculum writing teams work to align content and skills by grade level and department.
- Educators engage in self-selected and district organized professional learning to build their craft.
- District teams and School Board adopt new policies and revise outdated ones to better govern the District, and ensure equity.
- District leaders and School Board members collaborate with Collective Bargaining Units to negotiate new contracts.
- Community and District committee members focus on addressing Facilities, Student and Staff Wellness, Curriculum, and Budget.
Thank you all for contributing to the great work... let's keep the momentum going straight into 2022!!
Happy Holidays, Be Safe.
Interim Superintendent Michaud
Dec 16, 2021 4:02 PM
Dear Milford Students, Families, and Staff,
We have become aware that across our country, online messages suggest possible school threats throughout the nation for Friday, December 17th. These messages exist on multiple social media platforms. At this time, there are NO credible threats to our community or to schools in New Hampshire. We have been in contact with the Milford Police Department, and they are closely monitoring and maintaining a presence in our schools as we are accustomed to.
While we have received NO THREATS, the chatter is a reminder to us all of the importance of our roles in keeping schools safe. We are highly committed to our practices and protocols for emergency preparedness, identifying visitors entering our buildings, encouraging everyone to "SEE something, SAY something", and working in partnership with our local law enforcement.
While it is unfortunate that we must face things of this nature, I believe that our collective awareness as students, families, staff, and community members make us stronger, more proactive, and allow us to care for our students, in partnership with one another.
Most Sincerely,
Ms. Christi Michaud
We have become aware that across our country, online messages suggest possible school threats throughout the nation for Friday, December 17th. These messages exist on multiple social media platforms. At this time, there are NO credible threats to our community or to schools in New Hampshire. We have been in contact with the Milford Police Department, and they are closely monitoring and maintaining a presence in our schools as we are accustomed to.
While we have received NO THREATS, the chatter is a reminder to us all of the importance of our roles in keeping schools safe. We are highly committed to our practices and protocols for emergency preparedness, identifying visitors entering our buildings, encouraging everyone to "SEE something, SAY something", and working in partnership with our local law enforcement.
While it is unfortunate that we must face things of this nature, I believe that our collective awareness as students, families, staff, and community members make us stronger, more proactive, and allow us to care for our students, in partnership with one another.
Most Sincerely,
Ms. Christi Michaud
Interim Superintendent of Schools